Breda Beer City specialty beer route

Breda telt circa 17 echte biercafés. Hier draait letterlijk alles om bier en kun je genieten van veel verschillende soorten speciaalbieren. In veel van deze cafés worden ook biersuggesties bij het eten gegeven. Loop de route van Breda Bierstad, pro… Read more

Breda has about 17 real beer cafes. Here literally everything revolves around beer and you can enjoy many different types of specialty beers. In many of these cafes beer suggestions are given with the food.

Walk the route of Breda Beer City, taste all the special beers and be crowned as Breda beer connoisseur! You can pick up a Breda Beer City booklet at any of the participating cafes. A full stamp card will give you a unique Breda Bierstad pin.

Breda people are real bon vivants. Good food and drink are inextricably linked to our lifestyle. Partly because of the rich history of breweries in Breda, beer still plays an important role. Indeed, the role of beer is becoming increasingly important!
