Study association Pangea

Monseigneur Hopmansstraat 2, Breda

Sinds oktober 2011 biedt Study Association Pange studenten van de Bachelor of Science Tourism een platform voor een inspirerende leeromgeving. Study Association Pangea heeft als doel om de leeromgeving te verbeteren door de leden studiegerelateerde activiteiten en niet-studiegerelateerde activiteiten te bieden. De naam Pangea is afgeleid van het supercontinent dat ongeveer 250 miljoen jaar geleden bestond. Destijds waren alle continenten verbonden met elkaar. Dit relateert naar een van de hoofddoelen van de vereniging, namelijk om studenten van de Bachelor of Science Tourism met elkaar te verbinden. De studievereniging wordt beheerd door een board. Zij houden toezicht op de comités, doen de boekhouding en andere management taken. Read more

s.v. pangea

Founded in October 2011 Study Association Pangea offers students of the Bachelor of Science Tourism a platform to create an inspirational study environment. Study Association Pangea aims to improve the study environment by offering its members study related activities and services as well as non-study related activities and services. The name Pangea is associated with the supercontinent that existed around 250 million years ago. Back then all continents of the world were one and all connected. This also relates to one of Study Association Pangea’s main goals; to connect the students of the Bachelor of Science Tourism, similar to the super continent, and interconnect as one whole student association. The study association is managed by the board. They supervise the committees, take care of the bookkeeping and other management tasks. 

The following committees are part of Study Association Pangea.
- Marketing Committee: manages social media and open days
- Educational Committee: create summaries and organise guest lectures
- Sustainability Committee: raising awareness for sustainability and creating events
- Introduction Committee: organise and take part in the introduction week
- National Field Project Committee: organise the National Field Project in the first year
- Party Committee: organise parties

Everyone is welcome to join one or more committees!
Instagram : @studyassociation_pangea
Facebook : Study Association Pangea