Study association Stichting Midas

Hogeschoollaan 1, Breda

Stichting Midas is een studievereniging voor de studenten accountancy aan Hogeschool Avans te Breda. De vereniging promoot groepscohesie door het stimuleren van onderlinge interactie tussen studenten. De vereniging staat voor beroepsoriƫntatie, dit doet zij door een directe link tussen de studenten en het werkveld te leggen op zowel een formele als informele manier. Read more

s.v. midas

Stichting Midas is a study association for the students studying accountancy at Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda. The association promotes group cohesion by stimulating mutual interaction between students. The association stands for professional orientation, it does this by establishing a direct link between the students and the work field in both a formal and informal way. 

Every member of Stichting Midas is an active member. This means that each member contributes to the association. A contribution can include helping to organise informal activities such as the AAFM Introkamp or the annual trip abroad. Formal activities are also organised in collaboration with our sponsors, which mainly consist of accounting firms, such as our Bedrijvendag and the Inhouse-Days. These more formal activities are the perfect moments to network and look around for an internship and/or future job.

 Prior to and during these activities there is a lot of cooperation, so our members quickly make big organisational and communicative steps. All in all, being a member of Stichting Midas is a positive contribution to the development of every accountancy student. Stichting Midas is the ideal association to expand your personal network through our formal and informal activities, even without becoming a member. So come and visit one of our get-togethers or check out our website for the planned activities!
Instagram : @stichtingmidas
Facebook : Stichting Midas